Charles Frye's last will and testament gifted the money for the founding of the Frye Art Museum as well as the 230 piece collection that he and his wife Emma Frye had accumulated over their lifetimes. This gift came with a set of rules, however. There were very strict guidelines on how and when the art should be displayed, and the musuem would always have to be free.
The original museum was designed by Paul Thiry, which opened in 1952. The entirety of the original collection was representational art, and until the 1990's all curuated shows were also of representational art. In 1997, the museum was expanded upon and renovated by Olsen Kundig Allen Architects and it was around this time that the museum started showing more variety in their exhibitions. It is still free to visitors.
The Frye isn't very large, and doesn't take a long time to explore. It can also be difficult to find, as the building is rather unassuming. The Frye collection is usually displayed salon style, which is interesting. Currently however, it is arranged in the more common manor. The cafe is rather nice as well.